My new fitness regime!

Hey Guys!

As you can see by the title, I am back at the gym! Not only am I back at the gym, but I am eating healthier as well, lots of chicken and rice, porridge, fruit and veg and no fizzy drinks. I have cut down the amount of chocolate and crisps I have to almost nothing. (I say almost because I'm only human!). I'm into my third week of my calorie counting and I have found it so fun. I haven't found it to be constricting and I've still been able to enjoy the odd snack as well. 

As for my gym routine, I go between 5 and 6 days a week. My workouts vary from High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and weightlifting. I always start with a fat burning interval on the treadmill which usually lasts for about 20 minutes to get my heart rate up, my metabolism kicking and burning off a few calories to begin with. 
For my HIIT routine, I use a really good Youtube channel called GROUP HIIT for all my workouts. There is a massive variety on there and there are different difficulties as well so if you're a beginner these are perfect for you too. I also watch Whitney Simmons on Youtube, if you haven't heard of her and you're a newbie to the gym or even someone whose being going for ages then girrrrlll check her out! I absolutely love her videos. She does everything from meal ideas and reviews to every single workout regime you can think of! 
I have recently got into weightlifting and I am loving it. I must admit I don't know much about weightlifting as I am still learning but I usually do 3 sets of 10-12 reps and I intend to up the weight to see how many reps and sets I can do on that weight and if I can just about manage it, and then aim to use that weight as my beginning weight the next time i do that exercise (eg squats). I'm definitely going to do this gradually though, over a few sessions to make sure I am comfortable using the weight. 

I am going to be purchasing a few accessories for the gym, such as a training belt to help support my back as I struggle with sciatica and wrist supports so I will blog about my gym haul once I have got these. 

In regards to my eating, I try to eat as healthy as I can, but it is okay to have cheat days. My cheat day is usually a Friday and I definitely don't feel guilty about it so you shouldn't either! 

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