Vertical Labret- All You Need To Know

So I had been debating this piercing for a veeeryy long time. I finally plucked up the courage to get it done and I am sooo glad I did! Besides the pain it caused me; I definitely think it was worth it!

I thought I'd tell you guys a little bit about getting it done, the pain and the after care, so that you can decide for yourself if it is what you want.

I was soo nervous when I went to get it done, like almost walked right back out of the room and straight out the door nervous. But I gritted my teeth and forced myself to have it done. The woman who did my piercing was fabulous and very professional. I had to fill out a questionnaire about my health to ensure I was able to have the piercing done. She then showed me the packaging and dates on her needles to prove they are have not been tampered with and are safe to be used. She also explained the process to me. I was told the healing process was 6-8 weeks. She cleaned and numbed my lip and lower lip and the piercing happened!!

Pain! Okay, so I was never a softy when it came to pain, not until I went through childbirth (shudder) and now I am absolutely petrified of any type of pain whatsoever, which definitely did not help to ease my leaping heart. Even though my lip had been numbed; the pain was still pretty bad. I'd rate it a 4/10 with 1 being not painful at all and 10 being almost unbearable. It was a very quick, intense sting and then it was over.

I was advised to take ibuprofen for three days to help decrease the swelling that was to follow, and bathe the bottom of my lip with salt water twice a day. I also had to use Listerine mouthwash (half a cap of the mouthwash and half water) and swill it across my top lip twice a day too. I have been doing this for 5 days now.

The swelling was pretty bad on the second day and my lip was very very sore. It felt as if I had been punched in the mouth! I just kept taking ibuprofen and found it made a huge difference on easing the pain so make sure you do take it!! The swelling settled down on day 3 and by day 4 I had no swelling at all. It is still tender to touch but that's it. I am getting my bar changed to a smaller bar next wednesday and I will update further on the healing process.

I would definitely say get it if you are considering it as despite it being painful it looks great!

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