What's next for me?!

Hey Guys!

I have been thinking a lot recently about what I want to do with my life and where I would like to be in the next 5 years and it hasn't been easy to figure out how to get what I want because I am so focused on raising Isabella that I have pushed my wants and needs aside for her. Isabella is 1 now, and with how quick this year has gone, it won't be long before she starts nursery which leaves me with a lot of spare time on my hands to put myself first for a change. 

 I've never really known what I wanted to do with my life. It wasn't until I got an apprenticeship as a business administrator for a mortgage broker, and really enjoyed it, that I decided that was what I wanted to do for a living... and then I got pregnant and my whole mindset shifted. It was no longer about me and what I wanted but about this baby. 

Don't get me wrong, it still is and always will be about Isabella but in order to give her the lifestyle she deserves, I have to get my life together first and right now that means deciding what my next steps are in order to gain the opportunities need to be able to fund the lifestyle I want for Isabella and myself.

I've decided that being a student through The Open University is just not enough for me. Of course it is highly beneficial and I am enjoying the degree I have chosen to do but I want more. I want to be able to attend University in person and meet new people. I want the student lifestyle as much as is possible with a child. I feel like I am missing out on quite a bit by doing it online. Although my studies are funded, I get no other financial help from being a university student with The OU and this is really difficult as financially I am not in the best place since right now I am not working, and going to a University that offers a maintenance loan is much better for me and Isabella as we can then afford to move out and finally get our own home.  I have emailed a University near me and asked them if there is a way I can get on their course due to having nearly completed my first year with The OU. I am hoping that they will consider letting me on the course without A Levels because my first year with The OU is similar to doing a foundation course at the University. I don't mind if I have to start again with what I have already studied but I am hoping that they will transfer what I have done so far across so that I don't have to re-study it. 

I am also looking at night jobs for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights as Anthony is off work from Friday to Sunday so he can have Isabella whilst I catch up on sleep from the night shift. I have an open day tomorrow night at a local casino which includes a mini interview so I am hoping they will give me the job. At least then if I don't get the chance to attend the University near me for any reason, I will still be earning more money than I am currently on. 

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